Day: March 28, 2022

Sione – The Feast Day Of The Annunciation

The Feast day of the Annunciation is when Angel Gabriel was sent down by God to tell Mary that she was going to give birth to the Son of The Most High God, Jesus. Mary said “YES” to give birth to Jesus and trusted the Angel Gabriel and what he said. At Church on Friday we prayed Mary’s Rosary, the Annunciation is one of Mary’s most special feast days because Mary said “YES” to the Angel Gabriel to have the Son of the Most High God, Jesus.

Click on this link if you want to learn more of what happened – Luke 1:26-38.

Have you ever been to Church and how did you feel?

Here’s a picture of the Angel Gabriel and Mary.

Sione – Beautiful Aurora Borealis 2022 Background

Today I made a background for my blog. The first thing we had to do was go on to the Template that our teacher sent us. The site I got the picture on was Unsplash, Unsplash is a site where you can find cool backgrounds such as mine.I chose this background because of the Beautiful colours and because of the Beautiful sky. I hope your enjoyed this blog. If you had to do this what picture would you chose?.